JSON-RPC is a simple and well supported protocol for remote procedure calls over HTTP, supporting both synchronous remote methods calls and asynchronous notifications. We want to access JSON-RPC from Haskell, but in a principled way. This blog post discusses the design and user-facing interface of remote-json, a new library for JSON-RPC that makes use of the remote monad design pattern

To give an example from the specification, consider calling a method subtract, with the arguments 42 and 23.

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subtract", "params": [42, 23], "id": 1}
<-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 19, "id": 1}

Here, --> is the data sent from client to server, and <-- is what the server responds. The packet being sent is a simple JSON object, as is the reply from the server.

The JSON-RPC protocol supports batching (sending several method calls and notifications at the same time) and is easy to debug, because it is straightforward to read JSON structures. Furthermore, by using JSON-RPC we can implement our clients in Haskell, and be agnostic about what language or framework the server is written in.

There are at least five existing Haskell libraries that support JSON-RPC. So why a new library? We wanted to build our own because we saw a way of simplifying the API considerably, while still allowing access to all the capabilities of JSON-RPC. Specifically, by using the remote monad design pattern we can automate taking advantage of the batch capability, amortizing the cost of the remote call. Rather than have separate entry points for batched and singleton calls, a single entry point can provide both batched and singleton calls. The library also acts as a case study of using the remote monad.

Basic Design of the JSON-RPC API

We center our design around the RPC monad.

-- The monad
data RPC :: * -> * deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor)

-- The primitives
method       :: FromJSON a => Text -> Args -> RPC a
notification ::               Text -> Args -> RPC ()

-- the remote send
send         :: Session -> RPC a -> IO a

This is a classical remote monad design - a restricted monad, a small number of primitives for this monad, and a send function. Session is an abstract handle to the web server we want to talk to; we’ll come back to how to generate a Session shortly.

This API gives an (aeson) Value-based access to JSON-RPC. Adding specific primitives gives stronger typing. As an example, consider providing say notifications, that make the remote server say things, a temperature method that returns the remote server’s temperature, and an uptime method that returns the uptime of a specific service.

say :: Text -> RPC ()
say msg = notification "say" $ List [String msg]

temperature :: RPC Int
temperature = method "temperature" None

uptime :: Text -> RPC Double
uptime nm = method "uptime" $ List [String nm]

-- provided utilities for generating Args, and parsing the Value result of a method.
List   :: [Value] -> Args
None   :: Args

As an example we have our typed API for temperature, uptime and say, saying “Hello, World!”, getting the temperature, and the uptime of “orange”.

example :: Session -> IO ()
example s = do
  (t,u) <- send s $ do
          say "Hello, "
          t <- temperature
          say "World!"
          u <- uptime "orange"
          return (t,u)
  print t
  print u  

send can be used multiple times if needed, acting as translation between our IO monad, and the remote RPC monad. Furthermore, the following JSON-RPC interaction with the server would be a valid trace of interactions for the above example.

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "say", "params": ["Hello, "]}
// No reply

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "temperature",  id: 1 }
<-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 99, "id": 1}

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "say", "params": ["World "]}
// No reply

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "uptime", "params": ["orange"], id: 1 }
<-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 3.14, "id": 1}

In this interaction:

  • notifications are methods without id’s, and do not have replies, and
  • methods use an id to tag a result.

This usage is reasonable, but we can do better. We want to bundle together notifications and methods, to amortize the cost of network traffic, but without comprising the API. Specifically, we want users to just write code using send, and the RPC library to figure out the best bundling possible.

The Remote Monad

In the remote monad theory, there are two key concepts:

  • Splitting the monadic primitives into commands and procedures.
    • Commands do not have a result value (typically () in Haskell), and
    • Procedures have a result.

    There are restrictions on commands and procedures, specifically that they must be serializable.

  • Choosing a bundling strategy. There are two strategies that were documented in the original paper and one new bundling strategy that we are investigating.
    • Weak - a bundle of a single command or a single procedure, or
    • Strong - a bundle of a sequence of commands, optionally terminated by a procedure, or
    • Applicative - a bundle of a sequence of commands and procedures, held together using an applicative functor.

By factoring our primitives into commands and procedures, we can automatically split up a monadic computation into maximal bundles, and then use a transport layer to send, execute and get the result from each bundle. The good news is there is a library, called the remote-monad, that has a plug-and-play API. If we provide the best bundling transport we can, then the library can pick the best way of splitting up the monadic computation into our bundles.

Considering JSON-RPC, the concept of notification and method map straight onto the remote monad concepts of commands and procedures. This makes things straightforward.

Weak Bundles

You can create a JSON-RPC instance using weakSession, which takes an encoding of how to send values to a remote server, and returns a Session.

weakSession :: (SendAPI :~> IO) -> Session

SendAPI :~> IO is a natural transformation.

newtype f :~> g = Nat ( a. f a -> g a)

Specifically, SendAPI :~> IO is a functor morphism between SendAPI and IO, and isomorphic to ∀ a. SendAPI a -> IO a. Operationally, this transformation is how you run SendAPI, using IO. SendAPI is a deep embedding of both synchronous and asynchronous communications of JSON Value.

data SendAPI :: * -> * where
  Sync  :: Value -> SendAPI Value	 
  Async :: Value -> SendAPI ()	 

So, calling send with the RPC monadic remote commands factors up the specifics commands, and calls the natural transformation argument with either Sync or ASync. With the weakSession, every primitive causes its own Sync or ASync; there is no complex bundling.

You can write your own matcher for SendAPI, or use remote-json-client, which provides a function that, when given a URL, returns the SendAPI to IO natural transformation using the wreq library.

clientSendAPI :: String -> (SendAPI :~> IO)

Putting this together, we get

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let s = weakSession (clientSendAPI "http://www.wibble.com/wobble")
  (t,u) <- send s $ do
          say "Hello, "
          t <- temperature
          say "World!"
          u <- uptime "orange"
          return (t,u)
  print t
  print u  

Having selected the weak remote monad, we have the weakest JSON-RPC interaction - four transactions.

// (1)
--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "say", "params": ["Hello, "]}
// No reply
// (2)
--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "temperature", id: 1 }
<-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 99, "id": 1}
// (3)
--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "say", "params": ["World "]}
// No reply
// (4)
--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "uptime", "params": ["orange"], id: 1 }
<-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 3.14, "id": 1}

Strong Bundles

The strong remote monad bundles together commands, where possible, to amortize the cost of the remote call. In our example above, we have two notifications, and a method call. We want to combine them together. We do so by using the strongSession combinator.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let s = strongSession (clientSendAPI "http://www.wibble.com/wobble")
  (t,u) <- send s $ do
          say "Hello, "
          t <- temperature
          say "World!"
          u <- uptime "orange"
          return (t,u)
  print t
  print u  

Now, we get a two transactions, which conforms to the JSON-RPC specification.

--> [ {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "say", "params": ["Hello. "]}
    , {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "temperature", id: 1 }
<-- [ {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 99, "id": 1}
--> [ {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "say", "params": ["World "]}
    , {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "uptime", "params": ["orange"], id: 1 }
<-- [ {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 3.14, "id": 1}

The same RPC send command gives better bundling, solely from changing the strategy from a weakSession to a strongSession. Now, the JSON-RPC specification says

  • “The Server MAY process a batch rpc call as a set of concurrent tasks, processing them in any order and with any width of parallelism.”

This is where it gets interesting. The RPC monad reflects the concurrency policy of the the server, up to method calls. If you wish to insist on sequentiality, then use the weakSession.

Applicative Bundles

One obvious question is “can we improve this reflection of concurrency, and bundle method calls as well as notification?” Yes! For example, Haxl, a Haskell DSL for database access, uses an even stronger bundling strategy, which we call the applicative bundling strategy. In this strategy, methods that are expressed using applicative functors can be bundled together, as well as commands that can already be bundled.

The remote-json library supports applicative bundling. Again, the details are abstracted by the library, and again the monad and applicative functor reflect the concurrency semantics of the server. We’ve added a new remote command uptime that returns the uptime of a specific machine, to aid the demonstration of batching, and reworked the computation to use applicative.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let s = applicativeSession (clientSendAPI "http://www.wibble.com/wobble")
  (t,u) <- send s $ 
          say "Hello, " *>
          (pure (,) <*> temperature   
                    <*  say "World!"
                    <*> uptime "orange")
  print (t,u)

The packet now includes two notifications and two methods. (Remember, a notification is a JSON-RPC method that has no id tag.)

-->  [ {"jsonrpc":"2.0","params":["Hello,"],"method":"say"}
     , {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"temperature","id":2},
     , {"jsonrpc":"2.0","params":["World!"],"method":"say"}
     , {"jsonrpc":"2.0","params":["orange"],"method":"uptime","id":1}
<-- [ {"result":65,"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":2}
    , {"result":68.28,"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1}

When Applicative do arrives with GHC 8, we can take immediate advantage of this, and start using do-notation to write out remote applicative functors. In fact, we can interperse our usage of monads and applicative RPC, and the package will choose the best bundling it can for the specific strategy.


We have written a remote monad for JSON-RPC. The library automatically bundles inside send to attempt to amortize the cost of the remote procedure call. It simplifies making multiple requests, without resorting to specialized variants of send. These idea has been used before. For example, Haxl lead the charge of using the applicative bundling strategy, and Oleg implemented a remote monad in OCaml several years ago. And we’ve been using predecessors to remote-json for several years now. Feel free to try remote-json, and if you are adventurous, remote-monad. Or roll your own remote monad. Once you know the pattern, it’s quite straightforward!

In a future blog post, we will look at our JSON-RPC server.


Justin Dawson and Andy Gill

Existing JSON-RPC packages

Our Publications about the Remote Monad

  • A. Gill, N. Sculthorpe, J. Dawson, A. Eskilson, A. Farmer, M. Grebe, J. Rosenbluth, R. Scott, and J. Stanton, “The remote monad design pattern,” in Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Haskell, (New York, NY, USA), pp. 59–70, ACM, 2015.